About Us
Atlantis Gallery is located in Fira Town, right at the center of Santorini’s capital, among the pioneers in the field of jewelry and crystal for more than 35 years, always renewing all collections and innovating, in order to meet the needs of the modern consumers.
Our customers receive excellent service, in a classy environment of high quality, discovering the treasures of lost Atlantis among the large collections of some of the most famous brands in Greece and worldwide, brand names of superior quality and incredible design diversity, for all tastes and all especially for all budgets!
Crystal pieces & jewelry: Baccarat, Lalique, Daum, Swarovski
Jewelry: Casato Roma, Carrera y Carrera, AnnaMaria Cammilli, Trollbeads, Misaki pearls - alongside - with unique Greek gold jewelry, museum replicas and modern jewelry lines
Watches: NOMOS Glashutte, Jacques Lemans, Frederique Constant, Misaki, Swarovski
At Atlantis Gallery we want you to see and feel jewelry from "YOUR" own point of view!!! Just trust us!

Our History
Agricultural Santorini of 1950's... a local resident, named Palamas Mendrinos, opens his wings and creates his first shop, on Ipapantis str, the most commercial street of the island then but even in our days.
The continuous development of tourism in the years that followed, slowly and steadily guided him in commercial activities that mostly served the interests of the tourist visitors of the island and less of the locals, a transformation that lasted till about the 1980's, when the management of the shop is taken over by a young then, in age, Yiannis Mendrinos, the son of Mr Palamas. With big dreams, aspirations, love and zeal for work, he regenerates the store, so that ATLANTIS GALLERY is a fact!
A genuine space of jewelry, with simple luxury and exquisite products, the purpose of which always remains the perfect presentation and professional service to customers arriving in Santorini literally from all over the world!
The tireless efforts for continuous improvement and effective presentation of the best that the world has to offer to the market of jewelry and the crystal art object has brought only positive results, so that we can be proud to say that in our store now, we represent the most important companies of the world with satisfied returning customers thus giving us the greatest satisfaction that everything worked out as it should!
Our goal now, is to create a platform, where luxury products can be bought with the guaranty of a quality service and the feeling of safety for all our customers!